Saturday, July 17, 2010

1 Corinthians 9:19-23

Um...I'm at a loss for a pic for this next story will find something.  I do voluntary work with a population organization  and is a new thing for me well not really I have been working with them on various projects for the past 5 years.  My dad was not a huge fan of this but I just couldn't let go.  Its not that I want to be a hero of sorts not in the least, I would be crushed and have been.  Its just that I want to work with my community to their benefit and to raise the level of our current status in New Zealand (as its not good) and to increase a sense of who we are (our identity) especially with the young.  Most importantly I want my people, Gods people to know Him and be saved in Christ Jesus.

Over the past few weeks but especially during Equipped I was encouraged in working with this group and in doing so being partnered with the church and individuals.  In today's service 18th of July.  I was encouraged to "become all things to all men so that by doing so by all possible means I might save some" 1 Cor 9:22... I'm blessed as my Job allows me to do just that to connect with a lot of people and organizations and in this past year God has used me to reach people for Him, I can't tell you how many times and in different ways, He does this.  By just being there in the world God will use that which is His to reach people, that are His.

Going back to the organization, I am a member of the management committee and there are 9 of us.  We sit under the trust leaders of our community there the 13 leaders of the groups that are represented in New Zealand, either by democratic process or by birthright.  I joined the management committee as I am passionate about getting things done and leading initatives for the people.
Two weeks ago I get a call from a business man to meet! we meet and I tell him about the Trust and our projects, he is keen to know more and to meet with our team, I arrange for a meeting.  Understanding that through this man will be open doors to funds and networks I talk to our team about a meeting and for us to prepare.  Prepare a solid presentation and "and an offer he can't refuse" yes borrowed that from the godfather but not with the same understanding.  I know our team is capable has integrity and could be trusted. 

We prepare, on a Monday before our meeting on Wednesday of that week, I get a call from this man, he rings to say he may have some funding for us, but is keen to meet the team.  By this time I am praying and am saying to the team "OK guys this has to be polished", and because of recent developments "I need budget proposals."

We meet with the man and he is late and in a bad mood...not a good sign, we are prayed up, and before we start one of the team asks if we could pray.  This man on our team is a Christian .  Note the business man is not a Christian.  The meeting works out well he is impressed with our group and thinks the make-up of our team is to our benefit.  He was encouraged by our tenacity, vigour and go-getter attitude that he said to us..."so what do you need" giving us some business tips and advise he gives us funding, and because I like to push the boundaries I ask for more and he goes "I will pay for it".  Thank you Jesus.

So with much joy and trepidation (as this means a lot of work) we end our meeting and we head off to dinner but the business man has to leave so could not join us. He leaves and we are sitting around  the table lost for words WE WERE LOST FOR WORDS from a team that always has so much to say!!!

In the silence a team member goes this is God, this could only come from the hand of God,  all agree and some start fighting tears, and we talk about how God strategically placed us and how we have finally come together with the same, heart and mind.  Where there is unity God commands a blessing.  We are blessed.  Not everyone in the team is saved but we know that we will do things where we are unified and where God is acknowledged and known.  In time I believe we will all be saved and likewise the people we serve.

1 Corinthians 9:19-23 (New International Version)

19Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. 20To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. 21To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God's law but am under Christ's law), so as to win those not having the law. 22To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. 23I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.

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