Friday, June 11, 2010

Gotta Love Soccer Pt 2 - God loves people more than anything.

I had attended the launch of the programme that won sponsorship.  I am 30mins early and sit in my car, a verse from proverbs comes to mind as a matter of fact it had been with me all day.  I pray in my car and ask God what does this mean do you want me to speak on this, I havent been asked to speak at this event Lord.  The word comes to mind and I know God wants me to speak on this, so I txt around to the church family for the exact reference and tell them I've been asked to speak at this event and praise God I receive the reference. In the dark I read the reference and pray, when I finish its 6:30pm and the launch is due to start.

It was a great event I loved it but thought um God do you want me to ask the organisers to speak???.  There was no peace in that I just sat with the other VIPs apparently I was one but had no idea.  The actual speakers got to speak and I thought I probably wasn't hearing from God.  The formalities had ended and I got to mix and mingle with the people and took photos it was a great night.  I did get to speak to the leaders and encourage them with the gospel, but I knew in my heart I was to speak to the whole group.

I got to watch some great entertainment  and the event was coming to a close and the president of the association from the front asks if I would like to speak to the gathering OH MY GOSH! the invitation was given to me, God you are amazing. Prayed up and ready.  I share from the word.

I had applied the word God gave me to reminded the youth leaders of the day they handed in the proposal and how we laid hands on the proposal despite how awkward it was for them but they did this in faith, I reminded them of the prayer that was said.  As I share the youth leader who lead and wrote the proposal starts to cry the room of close to 150 is silent.  God reminded this group that Jesus had come through for them because of the fact that they trusted in him that day.  He let them know about the love of Christ and how it is He that will continue to lead them through good and bad if they chose that day to follow him.  The atmosphere had changed the silence was deafening thank you Jesus!  I finish by reading that scripture by this time a number of the leaders and adults are crying.  This forces the president to end the programme in a prayer and the event was over.

The presidents wife is now talking to me about what I said and shares with me about the youth and the organisation and how I could help them out.  Church services are at 3:00pm I was welcome to attend (open door).  A great time of sharing takes place...

I am about to leave a lady from across the room, says I have been sharing the gospel with this group could I please pray for her and the youth I said yes lets pray.  The prayer is finished her grand daugther is standing next to us, she was the one that first cried that silenced the room.  Her grandmother says do you understand what was said tonight she said yes.  Do you want to know Jesus...she said YES! Holding my tears we pray.  I encouraged this young lady! I am praying for her because the leadership potential in this young lady is amazing! Lord you are tooo good you are faithful to the Gospel.

I thank God for opportunity and I thank God for salvation.  You love people more than anything.

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