Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Gotta Love Soccer!

A few months ago I took part in the Pacific Youth & Sports conference 2010, this conference was held in New Zealand for the first time, hosting over 1000 youth delegates from across the pacific.

The experience changed my view of soccer, the event is sponsored largely by FIFA and the aim of the conference is to develop sport in the region and through sports, support leadership and sustainable programmes in the Pacific and beyond. What people seldom know about FIFA is that aside from overseeing the biggest sporting event in the world, and having the biggest participation in its sport Soccer, FIFA sponsors a whole range of activities across the world. These activities address the specific needs of that particular region. I watched a video clip that highlighted how soccer bridged the cultural, religious and ethnic divide in Israel and its neighbouring countries. Almost cried too, typical aye.

So I spent a week with young people across the Pacific learning about their goals and aspirations for themselves and their countries truly, truly inspiring. Note soccer not rugby is the biggest sport played in the Pacific.

Being in New Zealand I spent most of my time with the Kiwi contingency, I wanted to hang out with the New Caledonians and the Tahitians because of the French! interestingly the event like the Olympics was spoken in two languages both English and French very kool, and at other events they have Spanish for the Easter Islanders.

The afternoon sessions youth met in their own working groups, each group had to develop a programme proposal that would support sport and make a positive change in their countries. On the last day each group had to present their proposal in front of the delegation, further to that the government ministers of sport from the various countries were in attendance. The best of the proposals won sponsorship from FIFA.

The day the written proposals were was due I had the priviledge to sit with the New Zealand delegation and go over their proposal. My big, big boss also sat in some of the discussions. She and I were really impressed with the proposals.

The proposals were due before dinner, the proposal that both my boss and I were fond of was not finished and in a panic the team came to me seeking support. In 20mins I looked at the proposal and gave some pointers and suggestions. When it was done I said to the the team and leader, "lets pray for the proposal, put your hand on the proposal and we will pray". I knew they would be shocked at doing this but I felt it had to be done. The adult leaders of this group had arrived did the same stopped and stood to pray, the 300 or so that were sitting around us saw us pray too. They probably all felt we needed it because our proposal was the last, from the team with the youngest members.

The leader handed in the proposal and we went to have dinner luckily there was still food left lols we were the last to eat. I thank God for the opportunity to be the last as I got to share with the leader that God need to be included in the process.

WELL...today I receive an invitation from this group to attend the launch of their programme they won sponsorship!!! I also received a personal invitation from the leader of their organisation ensuring I attend.

THANK YOU JESUS...I pray the team remembered that day despite how awkward we looked JESUS saw, heard, and responded. Thank you Jesus.

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