Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Through the eyes of a lense...

I was inspired tonight regarding what and how I could share the gospel in the everyday things I do. The one thing though that I neglected to share and obviously didn't consider were my personal hobbies. Its funny because the term hobby doesn't equate with me. I think of hobbies as something I'm committed to and sadly the hobbies I do have I don't consider them to be for that fact.

My interest in photography started over 10 years ago. I was in Sydney Australia, Kings Cross to be exact, with a friend. Being aware of the "seedy" reputation that the Cross had I was somewhat disappointed that I didn't see anything. It was 11pm and I was walking around taking in my surroundings, it was "early" for me to see anything so I thought.

I took a seat by the road side I don't know why but it stilled me enough to SEE Kings Cross. Within 15 mins I saw pimps and dealers, prostitutes and thugs. I saw a guy just steal in front of me. The sad thing also and unknown to him I saw my friend trying to cut a deal with some guy.

The image that stayed with me that night however was that of a prostitute, (I know so cliche) but her face has been engraved in my soul forever. If there ever was an image that captured for me the lost that was it. She had been crying and was still crying her makeup was smudged, she was beautiful but destroyed. Despite my attempts to talk to her she was far gone.

I didn't take a picture of her but my soul did, that image changed how I see people, I know it sounds rather "airy" but I want to see people. Photos don't lie especially random shots of people that capture emotion and feelings. That's what I want to shoot and expose, particularly if it could make a change. If shots of the lost would trigger the us to act, then I want to take those. If they be shots of victory that stir encouragement then I want to catch them. If its joy the same.

I have done "creation shots" and they serve to encourage me of how great our God is, how marvelous His works are. He himself said "that it was good". But the greatest of His works, His children in His image, he lovingly looks on with a wretched heart, grieved that we are apart from him separated and lost. That image stays with Him and causes Him to act as He does. I want to do the same through a lense.

I was totally inspired by homegroup tonight in using everything and all things that God gives and inspires us to do to share the gospel. God is amazing.

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